Bunny Palooza
Join Rabbit Advocates for the third annual BunnyPalooza!
Sunday, September 2, 2018
11:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Oaks Park Dance Pavilon
7805 SE Oaks Park Way
Portland OR 97202
map: https://goo.gl/maps/YBifXjgnZyP2
Join us at BunnyPalooza for:
• Adoptable bunnies!
• Bunny information and supplies, including bags of Bunny’s Best Bites (BBB) hay.
• Bunny-themed vendors.
• Bunny-themed raffle and silent auction items.
• Lagomorph lounge for bunnies to relax.
• Food, beverages, and so much more!
Tickets: $4.00 for adults and children 12 and older, children under 12 are free. $5.00 if purchased at the door. Bunnies are welcomed and are considered honored guests, but please bring them in appropriate carriers and plan ahead for however long you plan to stay.
More information to come! Keep checking back as we will be updating this event regularly. Or hop over to our BunnyPalooza page:
Questions? Email us at: Bunny.Palooza@RabbitAdvocates.org