A couple of Red Eared Sliders

A couple of Red Eared Sliders

An adorable rabbit waiting for her exam

An adorable rabbit waiting for her exam

Wellness Exams

Our pets require regular check ups, just like we do.  Also, because many of the exotic species that we see are prey animals, they hide their symptoms until they are very ill.  We provide regular wellness exams and preventive medicine so that you can rest easy knowing you pet is healthy.  We also recommend a wellness exam when you first adopt your new pet to ensure that they are healthy and ready to start their new life with you.

Every species has specific health and husbandry requirements to live a happy and healthy life.  Wellness exams give us the time to work with you and provide species-specific education so that you are well equipped to care for your exotic pet.  Check out our Species page for links to care sheets for all of our exotic patients.

Curious skunk

Curious skunk

A baby ferret

A baby ferret

Preventative Medicine

Juvenile and annual vaccinations, nail trims, beak and tooth trims and deslorelin implants for ferrets are all part of regular healthcare for your exotic pet to ensure he or she does not become ill. We have the knowledge and compassion to ensure that your pet receives the best care with minimal stress for both you and them!