'Rafella' Parker
The Rafella Reptile Fund
The Rafella Reptile Fund was founded September 12, 2017 by Scales & Tails Exotic Pet Clinic with the help of the Parker Family in memory of Rafella, their beloved pet Russian Tortoise. The Rafella Reptile Fund was created to fund raise in order to provide grants to help with the cost of life-saving or life-enhancing emergency care for pets whose families cannot afford the full cost of treatment. The fund is used to assist families who demonstrate substantial financial need and whose pets, with treatment, have a good prognosis for return to a good quality of life.
We promote the better treatment of life-threatening conditions, better access to, and understanding of, advanced medical care for pets, and better support for pet-owning families. To learn more about us and how you can help, visit The Rafella Reptile Fund page. We thank you for your support and your donations!